
Exhibition ZOO-Nature

Tue. 11. October | 19:00


Lange Nacht der Affen

Lange Nacht der Affen

Thu. 13. October | 21:00

13.10. | 21:00 | ZAZIE Kino & Bar


Festival Opening

Fri. 14. October | 19:00

The greeting spreech on the festival holds Claus Peter Boßmann, chairman of the Awards Committee of the MDM.

Film programme

Shooting Animals

Fri. 14. October | 19:30

We have titled this programme Shooting Animals to highlight an affinity between good animal film makers and early hunters, both of which have to mutate in the course of their work into animals in order to follow their traces. The... [more]



Fri. 14. October | 20:30

14.10. 2011 | 20:30 h | Lux Cinema

Film programme

Theatre of the Animals

Fri. 14. October | 22:00

Chimpanzees in trousers, shirt and tie sitting at tables having to pretend to act like humans is probably a sight familiar to everyone from television series or circuses. Thankfully less well known are scenes in which polar bears... [more]

Film programme


Mon. 17. October | 14:12

The German Kulturfilm emerged from WWI propaganda films. Already in 1913, Franz Bergmann and Willi Warstat developed a concept for positive nationalistic films against the “tasteless, criminal and erotic-sexual films” (meaning... [more]

Film programme

Looking at the Animal

Mon. 17. October | 14:11

Are we capable of just looking at animals or has the age of “Okulartyrannis“, as the philosopher Ulrich Sonnemann titled the image-addicted modern period, rendered our gaze permanently instrumental?At least it is possible to try... [more]



Sat. 15. October | 16:45

Studentische Ausstellung

Film programme


Sat. 15. October | 18:15

Piotr Baran [more]

Film programme

Swallows on a Spit

Mon. 17. October | 14:09

The first human-made weapons, hand axes and spearheads, were probably directed at animals. The weapons were deployed in the hunt. That means that technical devices were part of the hunt from the start and that hunting is... [more]

Film programme

About Love

Mon. 17. October | 13:43

As Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari write in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia “people who love dogs and cats are idiots”. With this statement, they mainly want to go against the usual distinction made between... [more]

Film programme

While Darwin Sleeps

Mon. 17. October | 13:42

Above and beyond their proper function, natural history museums have become well-loved event locations. This has not just to do with a culture of spectacle seeking ever more bizarre venues, but rather reflects the desire to be... [more]

Film programme

Creature Comfort

Mon. 17. October | 13:41

All over the world, zoos are among the most popular recreation facilities. Evolved from royal menageries, transformed into civil education centres during the French Revolution with the Jardin des Plantes, the archetype of all... [more]

Film programme

Utility Animals, Useless Animals

Mon. 17. October | 13:39

Practically any animal that can be tamed can be domesticated. Eipo – Umgang mit Schweinen (Eipo – Living With Pigs), a documentary by the ethologist Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, follows the affectionate interaction between the Eipo,... [more]

Film programme


Wed. 05. October | 00:21

This documentary, made by the anthropologists and filmmakers Lucien Castaing-Taylor und Ilisa Barbash, accompanies the shepherds from one of the last family ranches in the Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains over three summers. The... [more]


VÖLKER schauen

Sat. 03. December | 19:00

03.11.2011 | 19:00 Uhr  [more]